The adventures of a llama lady that is a super mom by day and a thrill seeking criminal at night.
This thrilling animated short is edited at breakneck speed and introduces kickass characters in a fake intro for a tv series to be. The film has been made for the 50th anniversary of the Swiss Animation Group.
The Film is currently in the festival run. Stay tuned for the online release.

Co-Directors: Marwan Abdalla Eissa, Justine Klaiber; Producer: Beni Morard; Animation: Justine Klaiber, Nina Christen,
Frederic Siegel, Beni Morard; Compositing; Marwan Abdalla Eissa, Sound Design: Frderic Siegel, Music: Jakob Eisenbach;
Jazz Ensemble: Marco Roos, Raphael Kalt, François Lana, Philipp Saner, Marcio de Sousa, Benedict Schönenberger,
Lukas Brügger, Niculin Janett, Mix: Thomas Gassmann 
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